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logo FOTON laboratoire Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l'informatiON

The laboratory Foton (Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l'InformatiON) involves two teams in the cities of Lannion and Rennes.
Its main research activity is the study of optical functions for information technologies covering a very broad area from material to optical telecommunication networks.
It benefits from strong interactions with local companies and SME's, some of them being spin-off from Foton.

The laboratory is involved in various national and European programs.
In Lannion, 50 permanent and non permanent researchers are working on a number of research topics in the area of optical functions.

The Lasers and Telecom Group aims at studying passive and active components for the realisation of optical functions, and their impact in optical transmission systems.
The group “Optique Guidée et Capteurs” develops skills in integrated optics, technologies for coupling optics and packaging and in optical characterizations.

FOTON equipment FOTON module

Within DIQDOT,
  • Assembly processes will be developed in the project.
  • Foton is in charge of task 3.1 for the optimization of the filter in the transmission link at 10 Gb/s with variable lengths (from 25 to 100 km).
  • Foton participates to task 4.1 for the fabrication and validation of packaged modules: a hybrid module including the laser diode and a FP etalon filter and the module of InP planar filter.
    This will include mode field diameter characterisation (far and near field) and microlensed fibre design and fabrication and coupling loss measurements.
  • And finally Foton will take part to task 4.2 for system experiments at 10 Gb/s.